Is Your Voice Teacher Right for You?

Feb 1, 2023 | Voice

I have had the privilege of working with many voice teachers. While nearly all of them have been equally knowledgeable and qualified, I made my most significant leaps when I worked with a teacher I connected with. Voice coaches have a tremendous impact on your vocal career. This impact makes finding the right fit for you paramount. The right voice teacher will be able to provide the type of instruction you require for your specific goals, as well as someone who will bring out the best in you as an individual. If you are wondering, “Is your voice teacher right for you?” here are the questions you need to ask yourself:

Do You Feel Connected and Comfortable with Them?

The most important thing is to feel connected and comfortable with your voice teacher. Making a personal connection centered around trust and communication helps build a bond with the coach that enables you to take risks. This bond allows students to discuss thoughts, goals, hurdles, and achievements easily.

The right teacher for you should be able to recognize the challenges you face and how they can best assist you in overcoming them. This individual recognition and connection will help you bond with your teacher and achieve your goals. 

Do You Feel like You Are Improving Steadily?

The purpose of voice lessons is for students to learn. If you are still determining if you are progressing, it may be time to ask yourself these questions:  

Are you improving with time? Do you recognize your strengths and weaknesses? Are you conquering former challenges? If you are unsure about your performance index, you need to consider whether you are with the right voice teacher. The right voice teacher will train you to achieve your goals and make you aware of where you stand as an artist and how far you are from it.

Do You Feel Safe to Be Vulnerable and Push Yourself?

Our relationship with our voice teacher is very personal, like our relationship with a doctor or therapist. We share some of our deepest secrets and greatest insecurities with them. Only when we feel safe to be vulnerable around them will they be able to best guide us toward achieving real growth. 

Are They Honest with You?

Do you trust your voice teacher to be honest with you? You can get the answer if you receive regular performance feedback. The next question is whether you agree with the feedback you received. Are they letting you get by without doing your best work? Remember Sondheim’s wise advice, “Nice is different than good.” 

Are They Picking Material That You Love?

Picking material you like is beneficial for both teachers and students. If you enjoy the material, you will work with zeal, which benefits your development. Make sure you talk to your teacher about the repertoire you’ll be singing. This communication will let you and your teacher be on the same page about what speaks to you. 

Are They Demonstrating a Clear Understanding and Dedication to the Mastery of Vocal Pedagogy

To establish a strong foundation as a beginner, your teacher must comprehend the fundamentals of vocal pedagogy. Does your teacher explain things in a way you can understand, learn, and apply to your situation? Do they show a comprehensive tool kit with many techniques and answers to address your needs? Is your teacher’s toolkit static, or are they constantly learning and bringing new information and exercises to the studio?

Do They Get You?

Last but not least, does your teacher get you? Their understanding of what makes you tick, your learning style, when to push you, and when to lay off is essential to your growth. This understanding will build mutual trust, which is necessary for a deeper connection with your teacher, their teaching materials, and their process.

The right voice teacher will help you start your career on the right note and foster your love of singing. If you are looking for the right singing coach in New York or online, get in touch with Danny Greenberg Studio today! Our experienced singing coaches are here to help you find your voice.

Learn More About DGS:

Are you looking to take your singing or acting to the next level? Contact us now for your first complimentary assessment lesson.

The Danny Greenberg Studio is a professional performing arts studio for children aged 5 to 18 in New York (Brooklyn and Manhattan!) and online, focusing on vocal and acting training.

 Our students star annually in numerous Broadway shows, national tours, and feature films. Our studio welcomes students of all levels between 6 and 18 to foster their love of performing. Once they’re ready, we also help connect students to top agents and casting directors.

Since our debut, we have focused on three values: children, crafts, and community. Our students develop professional techniques and valuable skills they use inside and outside the studio. We help prepare our students for professional success and make personal impacts through charity cabarets and fundraisers.

We provide private lessons in-person and online in singing, acting, audition coaching, industry professional workshops, showcases, musical theater classes, and admissions prep with curriculums tailored to each child’s needs so they can build their self-confidence. Each year, we coach students for DOE High School auditions, and they consistently get into Laguirdia, Frank Sinatra, and PPAS. We teach acting, singing, and dancing lessons in midtown Manhattan, Greenpoint, and Park Slope Brooklyn. Zoom lessons are also available. Contact us for more information on the admissions process.